image Jeremy Bishop @tentides
Listen to T is for Tuna and TEDs here or download fromĀ iTunesĀ orĀ Google Play.
T is for Tuna
In theĀ first half of theĀ program,Ā I dish tuna in sushi bars and help you answer theĀ question, ShouldĀ you eat tuna?Ā I share Best Choices, what Mission Blue, Sylvia Earle, and Hope Spots have to do with tuna. And how tech, innovation, and aquaculture are working together to create a solution for theĀ future of tuna.
T is for TEDs
In theĀ secondĀ half of theĀ program, I explain what a TED is, why you should care, and where to buy the best damn Louisiana white shrimp from a shrimper who practices best catch methods to leave to turtlesĀ alive and in the oceans where they belong.
Show Notes
- http://www.fish20.org/
- https://www.undercurrentnews.com/2017/11/08/fish-2-0-announces-eight-winning-startups/
- https://www.tunasolutions.com/
- http://www.grubstreet.com/2017/01/nestle-is-making-kit-kat-sushi-bars-in-japan.html
- https://www.statisticbrain.com/sushi-industry-statistics/
- http://wwf.panda.org/what_we_do/how_we_work/our_global_goals/markets/mti_solutions/certification/seafood/tuna/solutions/
- https://www.seafoodwatch.org/seafood-recommendations/groups/tuna
- http://www.fishchoice.com/buying-guide/yellowfin-tuna
- https://geminiresearchnews.com/2017/01/putting-bluefin-tuna-back-menu-farming/
- http://www.aqua-spark.nl/why-aquaculture/best-practices/