SALMON FROM MARKET TO PLATE cookbook. When you want to eat salmon that is good for you and the oceans. 
Will this be the year you learn to buy and cook salmon with confidence?
- Discover shopping tips.
- Cook no-fuss salmon recipes.
- Make this your healthiest year ever.
SALMON is available in print or ebook wherever you buy cookbooks online.
SALMON FROM MARKET TO PLATE when you want to eat salmon that is good for you and the oceans.
When you want to maintain a sustainable kitchen, the cliché, knowledge is power, is more relevant than ever. When it comes to salmon—with all the choices, catchphrases, and eco-labels—buying salmon can be overwhelming.
Seafood advocate, podcaster, and speaker Maureen C. Berry will show you how to be a sustainable salmon shopper and conscientious cook with Salmon From Market To Plate when you want to eat salmon that is good for you and the oceans.
Publisher’s Weekly
Food writer Berry “bonded with the ocean” after a trip from her native Pittsburgh to Maryland. That connection turned into a lifelong obsession that included a 10-year stint running a restaurant in the Florida Keys, where she pursued a “love for all things seafood.”
But it wasn’t until taking a job as a seafood specialist selling fresh fish to chefs that she discovered a specific affection for the “distinct, rich flavor” of salmon, which led to this unique combination history and cookbook.
Starting with a look at what she calls sustainable salmon—“fish that are caught or raised in a manner that doesn’t harm the environment and will provide salmon for future generations”—Berry examines the differences between wild and farmed salmon, provides tips and shopping guides for making choices at the supermarket (“Bring an insulated bag to transport the salmon home and either ask for a small bag of ice or bring your own to keep the fish cool”), details the various spices and oils needed to add to bring out the natural flavor of the fish, and discusses proper cooking techniques (“One of the most common errors when cooking salmon is overcooking. A kitchen timer will solve that problem”).
Then, in the heart of the book, she offers 20 simple recipes (slivers of fennel-flavored salmon, mandarin oranges, tangy mustard, and Swiss cheese) and 10 more challenging ones (baked ancho chile Verlasso salmon cakes with lemon and roasted garlic aioli).
I wish I had this cookbook when I first started cooking salmon instead of learning trial by error
Bypoohbearsmomon April 24, 2016
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
This author is very knowledgeable. I have lots of salmon recipes, so really did not need anymore, but the ones in the book were very interesting and covered a lot of different taste palates. This authors intro was worth the purchase. I just thought I knew everything there was to know about salmon! This took the mystery out of farm vs wild plus lots, lots, more. I wish I had this cookbook when I first started cooking salmon instead of learning trial by error that the line between great salmon dishes and mediocre salmon may be a minute or two overcooking! This book will entertain the chef in each of us and is a must for the novice.Love this book – even the texture is cozy
By Amazon Customer on April 17, 2016
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
Love this book – even the texture is cozy and delicious. You can tell the author is from Pittsburgh as she has that good “ole”, down to earth, Pittsburgh feel to it! I have been wanting good Salmon recipes for awhile and I know there are lots of titles out there. This one has my jaw dropping and my kitchen ready with eagerness to start making all of the recipes starting from the first one. Happy Mother’s Day to me!This is a wonderful cookbook
By Amazon Customer on April 21, 2016
Format: Paperback|Verified Purchase
I love cook books. This is one of the best-written cookbooks I have. And when I say I love cookbooks I meant it! I can spend hours at the Local book store pouring over the latest publications.
Can’t wait for your next one to come out…Sharpen those pencils!
If you love cooking, love salmon and love the environment, this cookbook is for you! It will not disappoint.Five Stars
By Kat L on May 25, 2016
Format: Paperback
Very well written and informative. She definitely has done her homework.
If you’d like a signed copy of my cookbook, shoot me an email, maureencberry @ gmail . com.
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